The IMX Challenge, with its two components, IM Ready and IM Xtreme, is a motivational program where swimmers are scored on their performances in a combination of five or six events. The purpose of the program is to promote versatility in age group swimming while advocating greater participation and development across a range of events that are integral to long term success in swimming. By encouraging swimmers to swim a variety of events, we hope to avoid any tendency to specialize in narrow selection of events at a young age.

Program Description
Swimmers participate in a designated combination of five or six events and, based on the power points scored for each of those swims, earn a combined score that is called the IM Ready or IMX score.

IM Ready (IMR)
The first phase in the IMX Challenge is called IM Ready (or IMR) and is comprised of a series of five events at shorter distances. The following single age groups and event combinations are tabulated and scored for both male and female:

9 & Under; 10-year olds:
100 Free, 50 Back, 50 Breast, 50 Fly, 100 IM (SC) or 200 IM (LC)

11-year olds; 12-year olds:
200 Free, 50 Back, 50 Breast, 50 Fly, 100 IM (SC) or 200 IM (LC)

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, & 18-year olds:
200 Free, 100 Back, 100 Breast, 100 Fly, 200 IM

IM Xtreme (IMX)
The second phase in the IMX Challenge is called IM Xtreme (or IMX) and is comprised of a series of five or six events at longer distances. The following single age groups and event combinations are tabulated and scored for both male and female:

9 & Under; 10-year olds:
200 Free, 100 Back, 100 Breast, 100 Fly, 200 IM

11-year olds; 12-year olds:
400 Free (LC) or 500 Free (SC), 100 Back, 100 Breast, 100 Fly, 200 IM

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, & 18-year olds:
400 Free (LC) or 500 Free (SC), 200 Back, 200 Breast, 200 Fly, 200 IM, 400 IM

Hy-Tek Single-Year Age Group Power Points
Rankings in the program are based on power points. Working in collaboration with USA Swimming, Hy-Tek developed a power point system for each age that allows for comparison of performances across strokes, distances and events, as well as between age groups. See the Power Points page on the USA-S website for more information and to use the Power Point Calculator

Using Hy-Tek’s Single-Year Age Group Power Points, every USA Swimming registered athlete can earn a score based on the cumulative point total of the combination of events for the swimmer’s age level. The overall score, as well as the swimmer’s current best score for each event, appears on the athlete’s My USA Swimming page for each season. As times in these events improve, the swimmer’s score is automatically updated. Swimmers can see their IMX national rank, zone rank, LSC rank and club rank. IMR scores are ranked by club only.

In order to receive scores, a swimmer must legally swim each event for his/her age level in a sanctioned meet at least once during the current season.

A swimmer’s times will count for the entire season-so if a swimmer ages up during a season his/her score on the My USA Swimming page will show a score for the lower age group and the new age group.

My USA Swimming
We strongly encourage every swimmer to create a web account in order to access a personal My USA Swimming page! If a swimmer has already swum the event combo for his/her age level, the score and ranking appear on the swimmer’s My USA Swimming page. The only place to access an overall score, as well as the swimmer’s current best score for each event, is on the swimmer’s personal My USA Swimming page. Other features of this page include a display of personal best times and corresponding power points, a list of meets participated in, a graphic display of times information, season and lifetime best comparisons, and other “member only” features. Click on Create a Web Account on the front page of the website.

How to Participate
Participation in the IMR and IMX is easy. USA Swimming automatically computes scores and results for all athlete members. Swimmers only need to compete in the combination of required events for their age groups to be included in the program.

Time Period
The IM Xtreme Challenge is tabulated annually for both short course yard and long course meter performances.

IMX Recognition
Swimmers can see their IMX national rank, zone rank, LSC rank, and club rank as well as their IMR club rank on the My USA Swimming page. By clicking on the button next to the season, swimmers can also see additional details about their scores.

The Find Your IMX Ranking page on the USA Swimming website maintains an up-to-date ranking of IMX scores, providing rankings for the top 7000 swimmers by both age and gender.

Certificates for IMR and IMX
Swimmers have the option of printing certificates that displays their scores for either IMR or IMX. They can also optionally print their national, zone, LSC and/or club rankings.

Coaches’ IMX Listing
A coach can see a listing of his/her team’s IMR and IMX Scores through the coach’s My USA Swimming page. Access is through the coach’s personal website account.

By choosing the Detail report, coaches have the option of printing out the detail score for each swimmer; by choosing the Summary report coaches can print only total points. Coaches can also print out individual athlete certificates. Select an athlete and then print the certificate.

The USA Swimming website features several pages related to the IM Xtreme Challenge. Look in the Times/Time Standards section of the “usa swimming tools” box located on the left-hand side of each page. Click on Times/Time Standards to find:

Additional Ideas
Following are a few suggestions to use the IMX Challenge in your program:

  • Use IMX to provide year-end/season-end recognition for athletes.
  • Declare an IMX Champion for each age level within your club.
  • Establish the “3000 Club” (or whatever point level makes sense for your team). Do something special to recognize athletes who achieve the “3000 Club.”
  • Use a specified point total as a required level of achievement to move into a practice group.
  • At swim meets, use IMX high point totals for recognition rather than the traditional high point awards.
  • Use IMX events to create dual meet formats.
  • Use IMX scores to create a contest within the team, between two or more teams, or within the LSC. For example, tally the top 4 scores in each age and gender to see which team scores the most points for a season.